For a full list of publciations, see my Google Scholar.

  1. ToolFlowNet: Robotic Manipulation with Tools via Predicting Tool Flow from Point Clouds.
    D. Seita, Y. Wang*, SJ. Shetty*, EY. Li*, Z. Erickson, D. Held.
    Conference on Robot Learning (CoRL), December 2022. [Code] [Paper] [arXiv]

  2. pyResearchInsights - An open-source Python package for scientific text analysis.
    SJ. Shetty*, V. Ramesh*.
    Ecology and Evolution, September 2021. [Code] [PyPi] [Paper]

  3. Weight-Based Exploration for Unmanned Aerial Teams Searching for Multiple Survivors.
    SJ. Shetty*, D. Ghose.
    International Conference on Electronics, Computing and Communication Technologies, 2021, July 2021. [Code] [Paper] [arXiv]

  4. The threat of armed conflicts to terrestrial mammal and bird species.
    U. Mendiratta, A. Osuri, SJ. Shetty, A. Harihar.
    Conservation Letters, May 2021. [Code] [Paper]

  5. Implementation of Survivor Detection Strategies Using Drones.
    SJ. Shetty*, R. Ravichandran, NS. Abhinay, LA. Tony, K. Das, D. Ghose.
    Unmanned Aerial Systems: Theoretical Foundations and Applications, Elsevier, January 2021. [Code] [Paper] [arXiv]

  6. Vision-based inspection system employing computer vision & neural networks for detection of fractures in manufactured components.
    SJ. Shetty
    Artificial Intelligence International Conference, November 2018. [Code] [arXiv]