I currently work as a Computer Vision Engineer at Path Robotics, developing vision systems that power autonomous manufacturing robots.

I graduated from Carnegie Mellon University with a Master’s in Mechanical Engineering in 2023. At CMU I worked on robot learning and was advised by Prof. Daniel Seita and Prof. David Held in the Robots Perceiving and Doing Lab, located in the Robotics Institute. I also worked on bimanual manipulation, extending grasping techniques and using GANs for generating labelled data.

I was a Research Intern at Intel Labs, in the Silicon and Systems Prototyping Labs, where I worked on RGB-D and monocular SLAM systems. I developed modules pertaining to pose estimation, sparse map storage and retrieval, trajectory prediction with Kalman Filters, and visual feature extraction.

I was a Research Assistant at the Indian Institute of Science (IISc), working on multi-robot path-planning, with Prof. Debasish Ghose at the Mobile Robotics Laboratory in the Aerospace Engineering Department.

I interned at the Theoretical Ecology and Evolution Laboratory at IISc, advised by Prof. Vishwesha Guttal, where I worked on multi-robot systems inspired by ant swarms. I also interned at the Center for Systems Design at the National Institute of Technology - Surathkal, advised by Prof. KV Gangadharan, where I worked on small scale autonomous vehicles, that used imitation learning to steer around a track.

I am currently exploring robot manipulation using dense 3D features and scaling up (pre-)training for robot learning.

I’m also deeply passionate about conservation, and have previously worked with ecologists and conservationists from Columbia University, Nature Conservation Foundation and Panthera. These projects have helped shape policy work around wildlife monitoring in human conflict zones and analyzing threats to global biodiversity hotspots.

If you’re interested in any of these topics, across robotics, vision or conservation, please get in touch!